A friend gave me one of those condensed subject books (about 4"x4") that you see at checkout at Borders. It is mental candy they hope, like at the grocery store, you will impulsively buy. This once had a series of "Eastern Wisdom" quotes. One I liked in particular, which should be as much a VC mantra as an entrepreneur’s is:
In thinking, keep to the simple,
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don’t try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
— Lao Tzu
The last one resonated the most. In the crazy 24/7 world of entrepreneurship, it is way to easy to be fully engaged and pre-occupied about something…closing a sale, signing a strategic partnership, employee issues, etc. As a result, you never hear what your spouse or your kids are truly saying. You go through the motions of listening to play your family role, but your mind is else where. Remember, this is your safe harbor. Invest in it before the kids have grown up or your spouse grows weary. The others relate to Karma and Simplicity…favorite subjects of mine.