Buzz: New TypePad Polling Tool

As you may recall, I have been trying to chase down a polling tool for my side bar for six months now. There are a number of interesting ones out there like Majikwidget (inspired/created by Guy Kawasaki) and WebPollCentral (Barry Moltz turned me onto that). However, TypePad finally saw the light and have integrated Vizu as a default option into their templates. So, the good news is that I can finally lob up polls, but the bad news is now I have to find topics that aren’t lame (sorry about the poor Jockey vs. Horse one but I just needed to get it up and running for testing). This is where you all come in…let me about polls that would be of interest???

2 thoughts on “Buzz: New TypePad Polling Tool

  1. Hey,

    I saw your recent poll and I wanted to let you know that I ran into the same problem with my blog. I ended up using because I liked the integration with my sidebar and the graphics were a bit nicer than the other choices out there…

    Give it a try and let me know.


  2. Hey,

    I saw your recent poll and I wanted to let you know that I ran into the same problem with my blog. I ended up using because I liked the integration with my sidebar and the graphics were a bit nicer than the other choices out there…

    Give it a try and let me know.


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