

“I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name So when I leave here on this earth, did I take more than I gave? Did I look out for the people or did I do it all for fame?
What if work was not some dreadful obligation and means for the rest of our life but the means for the fullness and creative expression of your soul? Imagine that.
Jerry Colonna
“You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is not your path. If you follow someone else’s way, you are not going to realize your potential.
Joseph Campbell
“We have not even to risk the adventure alone for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known … we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
Joseph Campbell
“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.
Viktor Frankl
Life is about making an impact, not making an income.
Kevin Kruse
Don’t aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself.
Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning