Tracking the VC Buzz

Some of you may have noticed that I have a VC Buzztracker list in my left column. My buddy, Al Warms, launched Buzztracker after his investment in and experience with Real Clear Politics. His belief is that analyzing what news items and leading posts get the most links is the best way to identify what has the most buzz or interest in the blogosphere.  Posts/articles at the top of the list have had the most links & references to them from the VC blogosphere. At RCP, they have used this for some time to bubble up the breaking news with the most buzz in the world of politics. He has rolled this out across different verticals, including venture capital.

If you see any posts of interest in the VC Buzztracker secton, feel free to click on that section and you will go the full VC Buzztracker page with all of the articles. I’ll post, from time to time, on articles/posts of interest. You can also go directly to Buzztracker to see Al’s main home page with the top topics on the web.

Thanks to Al for helping to pull this together.