Karma Kitchen: Most Intriguing Restaurant

Rishi Roongta works with me at New World and is omnipresent. He is curious and tests just about everything under the sun. He came across a new restaurant that redefines both Paying Forward and restaurants in general. As he writes:

“Karma Kitchen was pretty awesome. I was a “waiter” and served tables for 4 hours.. gives a good appreciation for the job! And really gets everyone that comes into the doors to think about what giving truly means. Every meal ends with a check for $0 so it really makes people think how much they want to give for the next person. Anyways, I enjoyed it a ton and will definitely do it again.”

The concept is simple but ground breaking. Every meal has a $0 bill. You choose how much to give towards the next person who eats there. Truly, you pay it forward. It is also a roundabout crowd sourced pricing model. Additionally, you can volunteer to be a waiter there. Thank goodness, there is more traditional control around the cooks:)

The entire concept is built upon people’s inherent desire to give back to others…to prove that people are inherently good and caring. I plan not only to eat there but to also volunteer. There is one in Berkley, DC and Chicago.
You can learn more at: http://www.karmakitchen.org/

Talk about a value meal!